Task 221. The yearly rainfall of the Samoan islands is22. The Samoans do not need to work a lot to23. Women on the Samoan Islands24. The casual farming makes people feel that25. Chickens and pigs are kept by the Samoans, butA. up to 200 inchesB. mostly weed the landC. make the tree crops growD. they are not eaten very oftenE. the Samoans do not work hardF.2,300 miles from the Hawaiian Islands
SaltSalt is a remarkable (remark) thing. It is a basic element in the diet of humans. It is also necessary for__ 41() (animal) and plants. It is one of the most_ 42() (effect) and most widely used of all food preservatives (防腐剂). Its industrial,_ 43() (medicine) and other uses are almost countless. In fact, salt has been a(n)_ 44()(importance) element of life. It also has been the subject of many stories. It is 45()(frequent) mentioned in fairy tales. Some cultures give magical power to salt. In the past, salt_ 46()(serve) as money at various times and 47()(place). Salt has been the cause of bitter wars. In many cultures,_ 48()(offer) bread and salt to visitors is a_ 49()(tradition) sign of welcome. Salt-making_ 50()(cover) much of the history of Europe since Roman times.
Pooja studied cooking in Switzerland for six months.