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2016-03-17 11:01来源:安徽自考网

I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (1%20=20%)
1.  Which of the following is NOT one of the important properties of language?
     A. Language is arbitrary.
     B. Language is systematic.
     C. Language is used for communication.
     D. Language is used by both human beings and animals.
2.  Such questions as “How do you think and feel about your family?”, “How do you treat a guest?” and “What is your greatest ambition?” highlight the ______ aspects of culture.
     A. thematic                                B. institutional
     C. behavioural                           D. individual
3. ______ is the basic meaning presented by meaningful linguistic units, including words and is often, though not always, the central factor in linguistic communication.
     A. Conceptual meaning                      B. Connotative meaning
     C. Social meaning                          D. Affective meaning
4.  Both “pretty” and “handsome” can mean nice looking, but “pretty” is often used together with “girl”, “woman”, “garden” etc., while “handsome” frequently appears together with “boy”, “man”, “car” etc., because these are the ______ of these two terms.
     A. collocative meaning                       B. connotative meaning
     C. affective meaning                        D. reflected meaning
5.  Which of the following is NOT an inflectional morpheme?
    A. -ing               B. -er           C. -ment             D. -s
6.  a) What’s the majority’s opinion?大多数人的意见怎样?
    b)Where’s today’s newspaper? 今天的报纸在哪里?
     The above two examples indicate that ______.
     A. cases are represented explicitly in pronouns in Chinese
     B. formal markers for cases in nouns are required in English
     C. pronouns are marked explicitly for cases in Chinese
     D. Chinese pronouns do show formal variation for cases
7.  In English ______ are more distinctive than given names.
     A. surnames                                B. nicknames
     C. pen names                              D. pet names
8.  ______are popular among female English speakers.
     A. Religious names                          B. Plant names
     C. Names of knowledge                 D. Names of fame
9.  The phrasal verb “look forward to” means” “ ______”.
     A. examine                                B. seek
     C. expect                                D. watch
10. A captivating man known as a great lover or seducer of women is often referred to as
     A. an Uncle Tom                           B. a Don Quixote
     C. an Oliver Twist                         D. a Don Juan
11. “You chicken!” he cried, looking at Tom with contempt. In this sentence, “chicken” is used
     metaphorically to refer to ______.
     A. tenderness                              B. domestic fowl
     C. cowards                                 D. tamed animals
12. Which of the following statements metaphorically tells us that life is a gambling game?
     A. I’ll take my chance.                       B. I’ve had a full life.
     C. His life contained a lot of sorrow.           D. Their marriage is on its last legs.
13. If Professor John Smith allows himself to be called John, ______.
     A. he might not be respected by his colleagues
     B. he must be more respected by his colleagues
     C. he might be kept a distance away from his colleagues
     D. he might enjoy a harmonious relationship with his colleagues
14. To sound modest and humble, one might have to use ______ to refer to oneself, one’s relatives, and one’s personal belongings.
     A. honourifics                              B. terms of humility
     C. euphemisms                             D. taboos
15. Hypotactic relations at the sentential level refer to constructions whose components are
     linked through the use of ______.
     A. verbs                                         B. nouns          
 C. conjunctions                                 D. prepositions
16. “Up you go, chaps!” The speaking style of the above sentence is______.
     A. formal                                        B. consultative   
     C. casual                                            D. intimate
17. Chinese advertising as a whole is more ______ than English advertising.
     A. informative                                    B. formal      
     C. persuasive                                  D. interesting
18. In legal documents learned words are used frequently. A great many of them are from ______.
     A. French                                        B. Indian languages
     C. Latin                                       D. German
19. In English culture, what does it mean if a girl smiles to a male stranger when coming across him in a university campus?
     A. She loves him.                      B. She is an immoral girl.
     C. She is friendly.                     D. She mistakes him for her acquaintance.
20. Which of the following can be classified into the secondary territory, which is usually not central to the daily activities of the owner and not under their exclusive control?
     A. One’s own room.                         B. Your seat in the classroom.
     C. Supermarket.                            D. Theatre seats.
II. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide what alternatives can complete the statement and mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. There are more than one correct answer. (1%10=10 %)
21. Which of the following statements are the interpretation of culture in its narrow sense?
     A. Materials man has got to satisfy his needs.
     B. Social institutions and organizations man has established.
     C. Language and other communication systems.
     D. Customs, habits and behavioural patterns.
22. Which of the following can be brought together under the heading associative meaning?
     A. Social meaning.                          B. Affective meaning.
     C. Conceptual meaning.                      D. Collocative meaning.
23. In the English sentence “We are students”, all the three words are in plural forms, demonstrating grammatical ______ of the English language as regards the number, a grammatical category.
     A. implicitness                              B. explicitness
     C. consistency                             D. instability
24. In English ______ are flower names.
     A. Angela                                  B. Laura
     C. Viola                                   D. Brenda
25. Which of the following idioms are in relation to mannerisms?
     A. To ride one’s high horse.              B. No man is an island.
     C. A marriage of convenience.           D. To keep a straight face.
26. According to Lakoff, an American linguist, similes and metaphors are ways of thinking. They are used in______.
     A. unusual occasions                        B. literary works
     C. everyday speeches                         D. body language
27. In which of the following situations does a Chinese use honourifics to show respect to a superior?
     A. When he is talking with a superior.
     B. When he is writing to a superior.
     C. When the superior he refers to is present.
     D. When the superior he refers to is absent.
28. If the sentences in a text exhibit cohesion, they are connected by ______ means.
     A. grammatical                           B. systematic
     C. lexical                               D. meaningful
29. American English differs from British English mainly in ______.
     A. pronunciation                            B. spelling
     C. grammar                                D. sentence structure
30. Many cultures allow people to interact at a much closer distance and are therefore referred to as contact cultures, which include______.
     A. Asians                                  B. Latin Americans
     C. Southern Europeans                       D. Arabs
III. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (2%10=20%)
31. Key questions, the thematic model and ______ are three models for the analysis of culture.
32. In speech words are sequences of speech ______ between pauses, for instance, the utterance
/ a I laIk It/contains three words.
33. a) History is made by the people.
   b)You are cordially invited to a party to be given at the Club at 6:30 p. m. January 1.
     The above two examples indicate that in the passive structure in English the prepositional
     phrase “by+the agent” is ______.
34. Terms of family relations like “mother”, “father”, “aunt”, “uncle”, etc. can be used as vocatives and are called ______ appellatives.
35. The idiomatic expression for “somebody whose importance and influence are great only in a
     restricted situation or small community” is “a ______ in a small pond”.
36. A simile is a ______ comparison between two or more unlike things, normally introduced by “like” or “as”.
37. Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines ______ as a class of grammatical forms used in speaking to or about a social superior.
38. A warning sign which says “DANGER!” is a ______ because it expresses a complete meaning.
39. “Theatre” in British English is spelled as ______ in American English.
40. Gestures that are closely linked with language and that help to illustrate the spoken words are ______.
IV. Answer the following questions briefly. (3%4=12%)
41. What is thought?
42. What does the word “privacy” mean in English and traditional Chinese cultures?
43. Why do imperative and interrogative sentences appear frequently in English advertising?
44. What does psychological time orientation refer to?
V. Translation. (3%6=18%)
45. What brings you here?(用敬语翻译)
46. plain as the nose on one’s face
47. pay a New Year call
VI. Discuss the following topics. (10%2=20%)
51. How do you define proverbs? And how are proverbs related to culture?
52. Why do some Chinese learners of English speak English as if they were reading aloud a book?
   What can they do to avoid it?

